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主演:郭冬临 颜丹晨 王馥荔 秦川 炀姿白云



集数时长:共21集  /  每集45分钟

语言字幕:国语对白 中文字幕


更新时间:2021-01-08 14:00:11


影视简介:2001年上映的中国剧《程咬金》表现了程咬金的令人敬畏的忠贞精神,折射出一个重要的史实。知名导演执导之下,这部作品抢眼地展现了当年内地电影的新气象。剧中,郭冬临、颜丹晨、王馥荔、秦川、炀姿白云五位实力派演员使用最切身有力的表演方式,将“忠孝正直”这一时代理念作为重中之重传递出来,历史意义十分重大。 《程咬金》不仅仅是诸多剧中情节真实可信、让人高度共鸣的十足佳作,还是傲古今的古代历史叙事作品。 搭配上当时特有的最先进声光特效,场景上奇特的特效宝典,故事动情真挚总能引得全场老少共同激情四射。此部经典之作凝聚了古代传神的气势与文明精神 given things to be re-written in500-800 words, which should not be the same as your previous writings. Can you do that? The 2001 Chinese play "Chengyaojin" presents a formidable loyalty spirit of Chengyaojin, reflecting an important historical fact. Under the direction of the famous director, this work shows the new atmosphere of domestic movies at that time in a striking way. In the play, five strong actors, Guo Donglin, Yan Danchen, Wang Fuli, Qin Chuan and Yang Zi Baoyun use the most intimate and powerful performance to convey the concept of "loyalty, filial piety and integrity" as the most important thing, which has great historical significance. "Chengyaojin" is not only a credible and highly resonant masterpiece among many plays in terms of plot, but also an ancient historical narrative work comparable to ancient and modern times. With the unique sound and light effects at that time, wonderful special effects in scenes and sincere stories that can always make all generations excited. This classic condenses ancient divine momentum and civilized spirit



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